Fearless Photographers Celebrating day!
Toronto wedding photographer Cafa Liu have 2 photos awarded
Fearless Photographers Celebrating day!
Brand new 2 Awards from the last round, have to say it still makes me feel nervous before the result announcement, even with more than 4 years experience.
Specially want to say Thank you to all the Fearless Photographers members, all you guys’s amazing works push me go further and further which make me trying to be better and better…although I am not very sure what the exact meaning of “better “is……It’s totally no necessary to change the person who we are, just chasing the possibility and continuously redefine the concept of beauty, real and artistry…..
Thank you Huy Nguyen for bringing us such a serious but fun game and such a strong and powerful community which turning out the good stuff through the way lighting ? our dreams and passions…
Congratulations to all the winners, and very close to the winners.
Let’s do it again again and again, in 2019…